As our city experiences unprecedented growth, we face both excitement and challenges in our downtown area. Mobility and congestion have become pressing issues, and on June 21st, we have a special event dedicated to addressing them. Dealing with these growing pains demonstrates our city's progress and vitality. We also want to call your attention to two very important matters below. Firstly, we call your attention to a new ordinance requiring permits to feed large groups, as it is crucial to address the issue of homelessness effectively. Secondly, we have recently learned that another waterfront marina project is being considered, and we believe it is essential for our resident's voices to be heard.
Lastly, let's be clear: there is strength in numbers. The only way we can truly shape the future of our community is by having a strong, large member base. Sitting on the sidelines won't create change, but joining the DNA empowers you to influence policies and decisions that shape our neighborhood. Be a change agent and become a member and ask your friends and neighbors to join and together, let's create a vibrant, thriving neighborhood we can all be proud of.
Looking forward to seeing you at the FREE DNA event Movin' & Groovin'...How Downtown Gets Around on June 21st.
Sitima Fowler, WPB DNA President
DNA Movin & Groovin - How downtown gets around - Wed, June 21st, 5:30 -7:30pm - RSVP Now
With unprecedented growth comes growing pains. One of those is around mobility and congestion. So what is being planned downtown to address it? Come join us and find out! This is a FREE DNA event. Not a member? Join now for only $25/year..
Calendar of Downtown Events Click Here
City of WPB Events Click Here
Exploring The New Marina Development: A Call for YOUR Input and Transparency
The City of West Palm Beach is proceeding with plans to develop a new marina on the Downtown Waterfront, located between Palm Harbor Marina and the South Cove Islands (the mangrove islands near the Okeechobee/Royal Park Bridge). The proposed marina would encompass the current public docks and require a marina office building as well as a loading/valet area located in part of the current, linear park along the waterfront. This development represents a significant change to the character and functionality of our Downtown Waterfront.
If you missed this meeting, watch the City Harbor Vision for the Downtown Waterfront.
Source: WPB Special City Commission Meeting - June 5, 2023
The recent decision by the WPB City Commission to enter negotiations for this marina project stems from an unsolicited proposal submitted on June 30, 2021 by a local business group called City Harbor LLC. Following this proposal, additional offers were received, leading to the Commission's special meeting to determine the next steps. During this meeting, the Commission had several options to consider, including halting the process, requesting more information, postponing the decision, issuing a standard Request for Proposal (RFP) for more proposals, or proceeding with the evaluation and selection of applicants. It's worth noting that public comments were not allowed during this meeting to provide feedback to the Commission.
By a vote of 5 to 1 with Commissioner Fox voting “no”, the Mayor and Commission chose to move forward and selected City Harbor LLC as the first choice over the other proposer Safe Harbor/Rybovich. While the public has not had any opportunity to provide input for the unsolicited proposal before now, moving forward, the process will require public input.
Additionally, contact information for city officials has been provided for those who wish to express their opinions directly.
Mayor Keith James, (561) 822-1400 | [email protected]
City Commissioner Christina Lambert, 561-822-1390 | [email protected]
City Commissioner Cathleen Ward, 561-822-1393 |
City Commissioner Shalonda Warren, 561-822-1390 | [email protected]
City Commissioner Christy Fox, 561-822-1390 |
City Commissioner Joseph Peduzzi, 561-822-1390 | [email protected]
The CITY Is Asking For Your Support on Feeding Ordinance
The city administration is seeking your attention regarding a new City Ordinance No. 5037-23, which requires permits for feeding large groups of people. While some groups argue that this ordinance may hinder their efforts to assist the homeless population through food provision, the city maintains that there are alternative resources available to address homelessness more comprehensively. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the ordinance and consider the various perspectives surrounding this issue.
For more information, you can reach out to Jennifer Ferriol, Director of Housing and Community Development for the City of WPB, [email protected].
Important Updates at the Downtown Development Authority (DDA)
Downtown residents pay an additional 1 mill tax to fund the DDA's operations. The DDA's budget is $8,833,459. Check out the May 2023 DDA board meeting packet. Click here.
On May 16th, the DNA board asked the DDA board for approval of the Meyer Amphitheater renovation project. This capital improvement project was identified by downtown residents as a top waterfront improvement initiative on the 2022 member survey. The DDA board DID NOT approve the project and passed a motion to re-scope the project and bring it back. The DNA put together a re-scope of the project and submitted it to DDA and Parks and Rec. The outcome is still pending.
The April minutes show the DDA board approved the following:
1. Business incentives grants of $75k each to Tropical Downtown LLC, 206 S Olive Ave and 12 Bar Original LLC, 695 S Olive Ave.
2. Advertising contracts for $100K for WPBF 25 and $75K for Effect TV
3. WPBgo was formed to support the efforts of the Chamber of Commerce, private sector partners, and others to improve transportation option downtown. $100k was approved to expand its programs.
Attend the next DDA board meeting on June 20th, 8:30 AM. Come to the DDA office at 300 Clematis St, #200 or use Zoom to join. For questions or to submit public comments, please email [email protected]
Not a Member? Join Now and get involved!
As a DNA member, you are helping to enhance the quality of lives of downtown residents. We do this by strengthening the collaboration between downtown residents, government and businesses through Social Interaction, Information Sharing and Advocacy.
While we do more than Advocacy, this summarizes the DNA Advocacy priorities based on member survey results.
Check out the exciting committees you can join. Make new friends while making our neighborhood a better place! Click here
Want to help create a video about our fantastic downtown neighborhood? Let us know, and join in on the fun! The DNA will be creating a video highlighting some of the great things about downtown WPB, which we'll then post on our website and social media pages. Whether you'd just like to share some ideas or shoot a kayaking video, we'd love to hear from you. Interested? Send an email to [email protected]
- Downtown Development Authority: 561-833-8873
- Downtown Development Authority Security Dispatch: 561-446-2036 (non-emergencies)
- City Hotline: 561-822-2222
- City Services: 561-822-2210 (emergencies)
- Download Free Mobile App - The WPBKey app provides a platform for residents to actively engage with the city to maintain a cleaner and safer neighborhood. Click Here.